General Information

Full Name Davide Torielli
Languages Italian (mother tongue), English (B2-C1)


  • 2024
    PhD in Bioengineering and Robotics
    University of Genova, Genova, Italy
    Humanoids and Human Centered Mechatronics, Italian Institute of Tecnhology
    Thesis: Intuitive Human-Robot Interfaces Leveraging on Autonomy Features for the Control of Highly-redundant Robots. I studied and developed paradigms for new human-robot interfaces to establish a link between the user and the robot that permit them to collaborate. In particular, I faced the challenges of intuitiveness, to let the user to effortlessly communicate with the robot, and robot autonomy, by exploring shared control/autonomy tecniques to help the operator in the control of the high redundancies of the robot during the execution of complex tasks.
  • 2019
    Master's Degree in Robotics Engineering
    University of Genova, Genova, Italy
    DIBRIS - Dipartimento di informatica, bioingegneria, robotica e ingegneria dei sistemi
    Thesis: Cooperative Assembly with Autonomous Mobile Manipulators in an Underwater Scenario. I developed a control framework for autonomous underwater mobile manipulators, with the aim to transport cooperatively a common object and accomplish a peg in hole task. The work is related to the TWINBOT project, coordinated by IRS Lab, Castellón de la Plana, Spain.
  • 2017
    Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science Engineering
    University of Genova, Genova, Italy
    DIBRIS - Dipartimento di informatica, bioingegneria, robotica e ingegneria dei sistemi
    Thesis: Development of the Android Application "StudyGroups". I developed an Android appplication to help students communicate by means of chat groups and organize meetings to share their knowledge. The app includes a database to handle users data, calendar app integration, and personal pages.


  • 2024 - actual
    Postdoc Researcher
    HHCM, Italian Institute of Technology
    My research focuses on the development of teleoperation interfaces to control redundant robots, combining intuitiveness and robot autonomy.
  • 2020-2024
    PhD Student
    HHCM, Italian Institute of Technology
    My research focuses on the development of teleoperation interfaces to control redundant robots, combining intuitiveness and robot autonomy.
  • 2019 - 2020
    Research Fellow in Robotics
    HHCM, Italian Institute of Technology
    Development of ROS End-Effector, a ROS package which provides a set of standard interfaces to command robotics end-effectors in an agnostic fashion.
  • 2019
    Master Thesis Student
    Universitat Jaume I, Castellón, Spain
    I developed part of my Master Thesis for Robotics Engineering degree as an Erasmus+ student in Castellón de la Plana, Spain.


Scientific Talks & Conferences Attended

Technical Skills

  • My interests include any aspects of robotics; actually my research focuses in particular on teleoperation and shared control techniques. In university, I studied with great interest many of the basic aspects of robotics such as: artificial intelligence, control, planning, kinematics, linear and non-linear dynamics, computer vision, machine learning, system identification, optimization, real time systems, embedded systems, mobile robots, mechanical drawing. I gained hands-on experience with real robots: complex hybrid wheel-legged system CENTAURO, mobile manipulator RELAX, and robotic hands (HERI II, Qb Softhand, Robotiq grippers).

Soft Skills

  • Team working skill, gained thanks to collaborations with colleagues both with same and different backgrounds than mine. Oral communication and some theatrical skills, obtained with presentations of my research works.

Software Skills

C++ everyday use
Python everymonth use
C mother tongue (I should still remember C++ diff)
Matlab data plotting, and uni used
Javascript basic html pages handling
Bash sh basic short scripts
Java used in uni
Simulink used in uni
Robotic Frameworks
ROS everyday use
ROS 2 used for a package, will update from ROS1 soon
BehaviorTree.CPP average level, I suppose
XBot lab framework
CartesI\O lab framework
ViSP used in uni
Robotic Simulators
RViZ everyday use
Gazebo everyday use
UWSim used in master thesis
OpenCV indirect use with ROS
PyTorch object detection
Qt made a GUI once
GoogleTest ROS End-Effector tests
Gurobi used once
CREO used in uni
Android used in uni
Git everyday use, but not super expert
Linux OS everyday use, common use
Github Actions recently discovered
Travis CI very basic for ROS End-Effector tests

Honors and Awards

Hobbies and Interests

  • I like to learn to resolve things by myself and organize stuff, like for my motorbike servicing and my computer building. I regularly enjoy going to gym and planning my diet. My other interests include reading very long book series and travelling in (almost) any place. Started playing an instrument recently.