Davide Torielli

Robotics Engineer, Postdoc Researcher



I am a Roboticist Researcher currently working at HHCM lab, IIT, Genova, finishinged my PhD with University of Genova. The proof is here.

I work with cool robots trying to make them do what I want. Sometimes, I succeed (youtube playlist)

According to my tentative PhD thesis title, Intuitive Human-Robot Interfaces Leveraging on Autonomy Features for the Control of Highly-redundant Robots, I am exploring human-robot interfaces to let people operate such highly-redundant robots. The poster here could be a good recap. With the HHCM lab, I am involved in different European projects, like H2020 SOPHIA, H2020 CONCERT, H2020 HARIA, H2020 MAGICIAN and in the Italian MISE founded project RELAX. I worked in the ROS End-Effector ROS-Industrial Focused Technical Project ROSEE ROSIN FTP. I published my works on journals (RAL, JIRS), and presented them at conferences (ICAR, ICRA, IROS, HUMANOIDS). I have had also the opportunity to partecipate to two ROSCON conferences, 2022, 2023. I love the open-sourceness of the robotic community.

I like to eat, travel (as everyone I suppose), code stuff (btw, check my conference/school list website), gym, playing an instrument (actually this since only a few months).

Selected Publications

  1. TelePhysicalOperation: Remote Robot Control Based on a Virtual “Marionette” Type Interaction Interface
    Davide TorielliLuca MuratoreArturo Laurenzi, and Nikos Tsagarakis
    IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 2022
  2. A Laser-Guided Interaction Interface for Providing Effective Robot Assistance to People With Upper Limbs Impairments
    Davide TorielliLiana BertoniLuca Muratore, and Nikos Tsagarakis
    IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 2024
  3. ROS End-Effector: A Hardware-Agnostic Software and Control Framework for Robotic End-Effectors
    Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems, 2023